Session IIB

The Importance of Abolishing Attitutidanal Barriers Against Disability in Environments of Higher Education


Julie Maury


When one talks about issues of social justice around disability, accessibility is often discussed. Yet, all too often, it is only the physical/environmental barriers that get the ‘front seat’ in most, if not all, of these discussions. This presentation will focus on the importance of abolishing attitudinal barriers against disability in environments of higher education. Environmental barriers certainly can and do prevent many people with disabilities from achieving full accessibility in society. Yet, the attitudinal barriers, faced by many people with disabilities, can create a foundation for the environmental barriers to exist in the first place.


The Importance of Abolishing Attitutidanal Barriers Against Disability in Environments of Higher Education PowerPoint

Practicing What We Preach: Universal Design in Disability Studies Program


Cara Liebowitz


As Disability Studies scholars, we are committed to making academic programs in Disability Studies the best they can be. However, our commitment to the academic side of our programs means that sometimes accessibility of content and classrooms falls by the wayside. This presentation will examine universal design in Disability Studies programs, offer basic accessibility tips, and guide professors and other Disability Studies faculty and staff on a path to making their scholarship accessible for all.


Practicing What We Preach: Universal Design in Disability Studies Program PowerPoint

Universally Designed AT Budget Word Document

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