Ekso Bionics is a worldwide pioneer in the field of robotic exoskeletons. For over 10 years, EKSO has been committed to developing the latest technology and engineering to help people rethink current physical limitations and achieve the remarkable.
The Exoskeleton helps individuals unlock their human strength, endurance, and mobility potential. In 2016, Ekso Bionics received the first FDA-cleared exoskeleton for use with stroke and spinal cord injury level to C7 (C7 level spinal cord injury refers to vertebra communication with the tricep muscles.)
Ekso Bionics is the only exoskeleton company to offer technologies that range from helping those with paralysis to stand up and walk, to enhancing human capabilities on job sites across the globe.

To learn more about the Exoskeleton or to try it out you can visit Ekso Bionics