Differently Enabled: Reducing Barriers to Learning in Virtual Worlds

Roberta Walker Kilkenny, Adjunct Lecturer, Hunter College, Alice Krueger, Virtual-Ability, Inc. 3D virtual worlds, such as Second Life and the various OpenSimulator grids, provide immersive environments that can facilitate project- and problem-based learning. At the City University of New York these possibilities are being explored in the health sciences, education…

Presentation Topics and Speaker Information

Conference Keynote Speaker: Mr. Brian Cohen, Associate Vice-Chancellor for Technology and Chief Information Officer of CUNY. Luncheon Keynote Speaker: Mr. Eric Stoller, a nationally renowned higher education thought-leader, consultant, writer, and speaker. Confirmed presentations include: *Click Presentation titles to view brief abstract* Accommodations for Deaf Students; Getting the Biggest Bang…

Accessibility in Higher Education

What is Accessibility in Higher Education? Accessibility in higher education ensures that any student can access digital content and information regardless of ability or disability. Accessible course content plays a huge role in Universal Design, as it removes barriers for every student. Even so, students with disabilities are the primary…

About UDL²

About the Universal Design Learning and Leadership Project (UDL²) at CUNY The Universal Design Learning and Leadership (UDL²) initiative is a project housed out of Hostos Community College’s Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) in partnership with the CUNY Central Office of Student Inclusion Initiatives. It is operated by a diverse group…