Promoting Inclusion in Study Abroad
Dr. Stephen Ferst, Kate McPherson
When accommodating students with disabilities studying abroad there are myriad issues to consider: Legal; Risk Management and Avoidance; Ethics; Costs; and Practical matters of the accommodation. Dr. Stephen Ferst will discuss the history of studying abroad with respect to students with disabilities and the impacts of Section 504 and the ADA on programming, risk mitigation, accommodation techniques and barriers, and ethical issues. Lastly, a discussion of successful partnership programs forged between disability service offices and study abroad offices will be examined and new ideas solicited. Kate McPherson will discuss the various funding resources available and highlight the value of collaboration between study abroad, financial aid, disability and fellowship offices; this will include the applicability of financial aid to study abroad and local and nationally competitive scholarships, with particular attention to funding opportunities which seek to promote the inclusion of students with disabilities in study abroad.
Promoting Inclusion in Study Abroad PowerPoint